A course representative is a student who voluntarily works for the wellbeing of their course, represents the course on relevant issues, and is committed to ensuring that the study period at Pärnu College is focused on acquiring higher education and fostering friendly interactions within the course.
The course representative is familiar with academic regulations, is helpful, a good communicator, empathetic, organized, and open-minded.
The course representative is elected by a simple majority at a course meeting.
Each student has the right to run for the position of course representative.
If desired, the course representative can choose a deputy.
The representative's mandate begins immediately after being elected and ends upon dismissal or resignation, after which the course may elect a new representative.
The course representative:
Opportunities for the course representative:
Pärnu College Course Representatives
Course Representatives' Leader
Nikkie Päärsoo - nikkie.paarsoo@gmail.com
Design Thinking and Digital Marketing
1st Year: Lisanna Miiter - lisanna.miiter@gmail.com
2nd Year: Margaret Karp - margaret.karpp@gmail.com
Entrepreneurship and Project Management (Day Studies)
1st Year: Gertu Karulas - gertukarulas@gmail.com
2nd Year: Joosep Kaust - joosep.kaust@gmail.com & Seth Anderson - anderson.seth@mail.ee
3rd Year: Nikkie Päärsoo - nikkie.paarsoo@gmail.com
Entrepreneurship and Project Management (Session Studies)
1st Year: Airi Peet - airi.peet@mail.ee
2nd Year: Lisenn Jürissoo - lisennjurissoo@gmail.com
3rd Year: Margo Laul - margo.laul@mail.ee
4th Year: Pia Kai Sild - piakai.sild@gmail.com
Tourism and Hotel Management (Day Studies)
1st Year: Karl Mooses - mooseskarl21@gmail.com
2nd Year: Linda Lepiku - llepiku@gmail.com
3rd Year: Aleksandra Timakova - aleksandra.timakova@gmail.com & Maria Bobkin - mariabobkin@gmail.com
Tourism and Hotel Management (Session Studies)
1st Year: Deily Merirand - deily.rang@gmail.com
2nd Year: Kalev Kukk - kalew11@gmail.com
3rd Year: Eliisabeth Viide - eliisabeth765@gmail.com
Social Work and Rehabilitation Management (Session Studies)
1st Year: Mari-Liis Jäärats - mari-liis@ut.ee
2nd Year: Monika Kangur - monika.kangur@verston.ee
3rd Year: Katrin Ojala - katrinojala27@gmail.com
Service Design and Management
1st Year: Riine Riitmuru - riineriitmuru@gmail.com & Kristel Talimaa - kristeltalimaa@gmail.com
2nd Year: Cathy Vivien Vahi - cathyvahi1@gmail.com
Human-Centered Social Innovation
2nd Year: Helina Andresen - helina.andresen@gmail.com
Personal Brand-Based Entrepreneurship
1st Year: Kendra Katrina Könnel - kendrakatsinak@gmail.com
Wellness and Spa Services Design and Management
Grete Lepa - grete.lepa.est@gmail.com